Island Engraving
Jewellery & Gift Engraving.
We engrave rings, watches, pendants, bracelets, tankards, hipflasks, etc. in partnership with Celtic Gold. Choose from an extensive range of engravable gifts to suit any occasion.

If you're looking for something extra special, Celtic Gold offer a bespoke manufacturing service. They can create a unique piece of jewellery to your own specification.

Next time you're in Peel be sure to call in to browse their wonderful shop.

Celtic Gold's Website

Custom Jewellery cut from solid silver & laser engraved - Celtic Gold Solid silver, laser engraved bangle Solid silver, laser engraved pendant
Laser Engraved Chef's Knife Initialled Ring Fingerprint laser engraved onto 9ct gold
Tiny St.Christopher Inside Bangle
Engraving Watchback Watch back Hip flask
Brass Bell Brass Bell